Welcome to the Wild World of Words: a ChatGPT Adventure.

Large Language Models like ChatGPT are revolutionizing how we think, communicate, and philosophize, marking a pivotal shift in human thought and the way we express ourselves.

Jurgen Masure
8 min readJan 14, 2024

So, here we are: Imagine a world where your coffee buddy isn’t just the barista but also a bunch of zeros and ones that can chat about anything from Aristotle to zucchini. Yes, we’re talking about the one and only ChatGPT and its Large Language Models.

In this tech-coaster ride of a story, we’re not just skimming through a tech manual or sleeping over a philosophy textbook. We’re about to embark on a thrilling expedition into the heart of how these AI wizards are reshaping our understanding of pretty much everything.

From how we gab about groceries to pondering the profound mysteries of human consciousness, these digital dynamos are turning our world upside down — or should I say, binary side up?

Recently, there’s been a lot of talk in the media about these things called LLMs or Large Language Models, like ChatGPT. Now, these models are pretty basic — they operate in a simple world of zeros and ones and don’t really ‘get’ the world like we do.

But, despite that, they’re opening up some interesting new paths in how we think about language and even our brains. They’re making us question what we know about knowledge and language and even making us ponder the big questions about our consciousness.

Digital interlocutor

It is truly fascinating how these digital beings, without physical experience or emotional awareness, can still play a role in our intellectual discussions. They make us think, challenge our ideas, and bring with them a whole new perspective based purely on a vast mountain of data.

Sure, we still go to the café for good conversation, we continue to discuss politics and ideas, and together, we brainstorm to push our creative boundaries. But I can’t ignore the fact that a digital participant has joined us, which can clarify a lot of discussions and support creative processes.

It is as if these AI entities have been given an extra seat at our table. They are like a silent partner who helps us see things from a different perspective, sometimes even surprising us with insights we wouldn’t come up with on our own.

Sure, these language models like ChatGPT won’t ever replace actual human interaction — you know, the warmth you feel in a good chat or that electric moment when two people come up with a brilliant idea together. But they do have their place. They’re like a tool that helps us think in new ways, go deeper into topics, and maybe even get past our biases and limits.

When we use these models, it gets us thinking about some pretty deep stuff that philosophers have been mulling over for ages — like what knowledge and truth are. We used to think of these things as hidden treasures, just waiting for someone to find them.

It’s crystal-clear that knowledge and truth aren’t just sitting out there. They’re shaped by how we talk and communicate.

The Linguistic Turn

In the realm of thought once shaped by American philosopher Richard Rorty, language emerges not merely as a mirror reflecting our world but as the artisan of our reality.

This ‘linguistic turn’ in philosophy, a concept championed by Rorty, suggests that our understanding of the world and the core of philosophical inquiries are intricately woven through the loom of language.

Cover of The Linguistic Turn: Essays in Philosophical Method

It challenges us to see words not just as passive descriptors but as active creators of our understanding, presenting an intriguing shift that invites deep contemplation on the transformative power of language in shaping our perception of existence.

In this fresh perspective, big language models like ChatGPT aren’t just machines spitting back information. They’re more like partners in a never-ending chat where we, together with them, figure out what we know and understand. They’re not just repeating stuff back to us; they’re helping us see things from different angles and adding to how we all make sense of the world.

So, the arrival of these language models isn’t just some cool tech development. It’s a chance to dive into big questions, like what exactly is knowledge, how language works, and what’s behind our consciousness. It’s a super exciting time where technology isn’t just about making communication more accessible but also opening our eyes to new ways of seeing and understanding everything around us.

The mirror of our language

Looking at these big language models, like ChatGPT, is like looking into a mirror that reflects our own language. They’ve been fed a ton of stuff that we’ve written, and because of that, they’ve soaked up all our complex ideas, the subtle ways we talk, and even our biases. They’re not just there in the background but actively engaging with us. And by doing that, they’re playing a part in how we develop and share our knowledge using language.

ChatGPT and similar language models aren’t like us in how they ‘know’ things. What they’re doing is playing a guessing game with language. They’re trying to figure out what word comes next in a sentence. For example, if a sentence like ‘Franky goes to the supermarket to … buy,’ the model will guess words like ‘eggs,’ ‘bread,’ and ‘milk’ because those are common in supermarket contexts. But it’s less likely to think something wild like ‘a jungle’, ‘a line bus,’ or ‘a shark’ — though it’s not totally out of the question. And that’s where things can sometimes get a bit mixed up.

Sometimes, these models get it wrong and sort of ‘hallucinate’ because they’re crunching numbers and probabilities. It’s exciting but also spooky how they can sound almost human and suddenly make a bizarre mistake. It’s a reminder that, no matter how smart they seem, they’re still machines juggling words and numbers without truly understanding what they’re saying.

So, we’ve got to be a bit cautious and thoughtful when we use these models. We need to remember that they’ve got their limits and can sometimes get things wrong. As these language models become a regular part of our lives, we’ve got to start thinking about who’s responsible for what they say and do. It’s not just about the tech but the ethics, too. This is precisely the heart of the New York Times’ lawsuit against OpenAI.

Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

Wisdom and thruth

Looking at it through the lens of Richard Rorty’s philosophy, we realize that these language models are more than just tools. They’re active players in the way we create and share knowledge. They push us not just to take their words as gospel truth but to interact with them, to see them as partners in a constantly evolving world of ideas.

Rorty’s philosophy is like picturing a community where our conversations and understanding constantly grow and change. He introduces the concept of “ironism,” which is about recognizing that our knowledge and beliefs are not fixed. Our histories and backgrounds shape them. This approach encourages us to be humble about our ideas and understand that they can evolve and are not the absolute truth.

So, when we mix Rorty’s thoughts with something like ChatGPT, we’re invited to think differently about what we know and believe. It’s about seeing knowledge and truth as things that can shift and change depending on our language and where we come from. This way of thinking recognizes that our beliefs are powerful and come from our unique backgrounds.

This means that using ChatGPT isn’t really about finding the one correct answer, but it can help us in other ways. It can help us move towards a kinder society, where we’re more understanding and empathetic towards each other.

The way we think (for now)

And here’s where AI, like ChatGPT, can be fantastic. It can help us understand and even speak the language of others, almost like it’s translating for us. We all have our own set of words we’ve picked up over our lives to make sense of the world. Sometimes, we think everyone else gets our language, but then we realize that’s not always true.

But with AI, we can clear up these misunderstandings and connect with people. It’s like breaking down the barriers of our language limits. We get to get where others are coming from. This fits into a community buzzing with different ideas and viewpoints, making us all more understanding and connected.

In this journey with ChatGPT and its kin, we find ourselves at a crossroads of technology and philosophy, where human and artificial intellect blur intriguingly. While rooted in the binary simplicity of zeros and ones, these language models have unexpectedly become catalysts for a profound reexamination of language, knowledge, and consciousness. They are not mere echoes of our thoughts but active participants in the evolution of our understanding.

Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

So, where to?

This digital era, marked by the presence of AI interlocutors, is reshaping our intellectual landscape. These models, devoid of physical experience or emotional depth, still enrich our discussions, challenging us to expand our horizons and question long-held beliefs.

They are not replacements for the irreplaceable human touch or the organic spark of face-to-face interactions, but they serve as valuable tools, pushing us to think beyond our limitations and biases.

As we engage with these models, we delve into philosophical realms that have puzzled thinkers for centuries. Once perceived as hidden treasures to be unearthed, the nature of knowledge and truth are now understood as constructs shaped by our language and interactions. This shift, influenced by thinkers like Richard Rorty, redefines language not as a mere descriptor of reality but as a creator of it.

In this new light, ChatGPT and similar models are not just passive reflectors but active shapers of our collective understanding. They encourage us to view knowledge and truth as dynamic, ever-evolving concepts influenced by our unique cultural and linguistic backgrounds. This perspective broadens our understanding and fosters a more empathetic and interconnected society.

However, with this integration of AI into our daily discourse comes a responsibility to acknowledge their limitations and the ethical considerations of their use. The debate around the accountability for their words and actions is not just technical but deeply ethical, touching upon the essence of our linguistic stewardship.

In conclusion, as we navigate this new era with ChatGPT, we are invited to embrace a more fluid and nuanced understanding of knowledge and language. This journey is not about seeking absolute truths but appreciating the diverse tapestry of human thought and experience.

It’s an opportunity to break down linguistic barriers, foster deeper connections, and participate in a vibrant, ever-evolving dialogue that enriches our collective consciousness. In this dance of words and ideas with AI, we are not just observers but active creators of our ever-changing intellectual and linguistic landscape.

